<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Home of Harold & Blanch Blosser Frick</title> <STYLE> A { text-decoration: none } </STYLE> </head> <STYLE> <!-- A { text-decoration: none } --> </STYLE> <body bgcolor="#fff8e6" text="black" link="black" vlink="#003300" alink="#200200"> <Blockquote> <br> <center> <img src="images/fricklogo.gif"> </center> <br> <table width="700" align="center"> <tr> <td align="center" valign=:bottom"><img src="images/frickhome.jpg" hspace=2 border=2 bordercolor="black"> <blockquote> <font face="verdana" size="2" FONT COLOR="#660000"> <p align="justify">This is the home of Harold and Blanch Blosser Frick. It is located in Wawaka, Noble County, Indiana. Harold owned the Frick Grain Company. Blanch was a sister of Merrill Blosser the cartoonist and Hazel Grasz the second wife of Floyd M. Grasz. Floyd is the father of Miriam Grasz Field.</p> <p align="justify">There is an interesting connection between the Frick family and the Field family. The oldest son of Harold and Blanch was Harry Jr. Harry Jr. married Emma H. Dye. Emma was a descendent of Johann Gerhard Anthonius Henckel. George E. Field married Lavica Hinkle, also a descendant of Johann Gerhard Anthonius Henckel. George and Lavica are the grandparents of Howard. A. Field, husband of Miriam Grasz. </p> </tr> </table> <center> <img src="images/line2.gif"> <p> <table align=center width=450> <tr width=450> <td width=450 align=center> <font face="verdana" size="2" color="660000" link="660000"> <P> [<a href="index.html"><font color="black">home</font></a>|<a href="blosserlinks.html"><font color="black">blosser</font></a>|<a href="albumlinks.html"><font color="black">album</font></a>] </td> </tr> </table> </p> </blockquote> </body> </html>